ELIOT - lotus (digital album)

ELIOT’s debut album “Lotus”, weaves a layered synth pop electronica tapestry on what it feels to be human combining a stellar line-up of vocalists – one of whom is himself – with his emotional and image-rich songwriting.
This combo produces powerful melodies that explore the complicated state that is life and love. Compiled with well-chosen analogue synths, drum machines and real instruments, ELIOT delivers a well balanced production.Much like Lotus submerges it-self into muddy waters every night and miraculously re-blooms every following morning sparkling clean, such is the atmospheric journey that this album will usher its listener.
His diverse influences derive from new romantics and early disco to electronica and dance, without putting aside the impact that pop music had to us all. The ascendancy of the 80’s era vibe is evident throughout.

ELIOT’s voice keeps its clarity regardless of his purposeful act of choosing to sing in different vocal ranges. Though his timbre is distinctively masculine, this is balanced out with skilfully  expressed theatrical enactment that uplifts his songs to ‘visual’ performance.